Monday, August 25, 2008

Supermarket and Picnic

Today we had a splendid morning. We went to the supermarket with our fabulous playgroup. There Nancy, the founder of our playgroup, read us stories and talked to us about developmental assets, which are factors that help your child in her early childhood to develop better and succeed in later life.  Nancy's toolbox, What Every Parent Ought to Know, is a terrific toolbox of information and inspiration for moms of small children.  I highly recommend it.  I have seen it transform relationships from struggle to connection.  She's also a Christian, for those of you want to support other Christians.

After the book and asset, she handed out a grocery list with large pictures so even the toddlers could participate in picking out groceries.  My son (almost 5) was happy to be able to pick out the groceries, then pay for them himself.  

When we had all our groceries, off we went to a nearby park where we had a lovely picnic under the shade.  The moms talked and shared, while the children played with each other.  These are the days I'm especially grateful that I am a mother who can afford to "just parent" my kids.  It takes a village, it is said.  No better village than a community of caring parents and mothers such as Nancy who truly walk the extra mile to help others. 

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