Sunday, July 20, 2014

Writing & Rhetoric Narrative II

Primary Language Lessons (PLL) seemed to have worked well for Builder (10), but I don't think Intermediate Language Lessons (ILL) is working so well. He seems to need more guidance and finds ILL tedious and most of the time dull unless it asks for an original composition. I'm still trying to decide whether to skip ILL in favor of Writing & Rhetoric (W&R) or not. He liked the Narrative I samples. He found it interesting, but he feels he needs to finish ILL. I tell him ILL still needs another year, and he groaned. That's probably my cue, right? He actually asked if there was any more from W&R coming, and I told him no, the sample was done. It seemed easy for him. He seems interested, which is a lot to say for him. This kid doesn't like writing, he has told me that on multiple occasions.

Writing this, I think I will have him start Narrative II samples and see if he does well with it. I'm looking for something that is at his level, not too easy or too hard. Above all, I'm looking for something that sparks his interest. The aesthetics of this program and its interest level look right for him. I also like the fact that this particular volume works on outlining stories and summarizing from a longer narrative. Here we come! 

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